Clapping, winning and business people on computer

How to Win with Video in 2024

Create a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Business


You know you need to make videos for your business, but the real challenge lies in deciding what videos to make and what to do with them once they're created. In 2024, the right strategy is more crucial than ever. With digital channels like YouTube, Facebook and TikTok dominating the online landscape, the way people consume video content has evolved rapidly. These platforms have become integral to how we connect, learn and make purchasing decisions.

The need for video in your marketing strategy is undeniable. As we navigate through 2024, these digital channels continue to be at the forefront of consumer engagement. The sheer volume of content being consumed through these platforms is staggering, and brands that aren't keeping pace are finding themselves at a significant disadvantage. Without a proper strategy, staying relevant and visible in this fast-paced digital world is increasingly challenging.

A well-defined video strategy, or your systematic plan to use branded video to drive more business, is essential. It's not just about creating and distributing content; it's about crafting a narrative that resonates with your audience, aligns with your business goals, and leverages the right platforms for maximum impact. Our Video Strategy Roadmap is your guide to navigating the complexities of digital media, using it to build lasting connections and turning viewers into loyal customers.

Understanding Your Audience

Knowing your audience is the cornerstone of any effective video marketing strategy. It's essential to delve deep into who your ideal customers are – their backgrounds, goals, challenges and preferences. This understanding will shape the type of content you create, ensuring it resonates with the people you want to reach. Consider developing detailed customer personas to guide your video content creation, making it more targeted and relevant.

Setting Clear Goals

Define what you want to achieve with your video content. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, drive sales, or educate your audience about your products or services? Your goals should align with your overall marketing strategy and be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound (SMART). This clarity will help in crafting content that directly contributes to your business objectives.

The benefits of video marketing are significant, including increased ROI, boosted website traffic, enhanced engagement, improved email click-through rates and a higher chance of ranking on the first page of search engines like Google.

Crafting Your Message

Your video's message should be clear, concise, and compelling. It should reflect your brand's values and speak directly to your audience's needs and desires. Whether you're telling a brand story, explaining a product, or sharing customer testimonials, the message should be consistent across all your videos and aligned with your overall brand narrative.

Choosing the Right Distribution Platforms

Different platforms cater to different audiences and content types. YouTube might be ideal for longer, more detailed content, while Instagram or TikTok could be better for shorter, more visually engaging videos. Consider where your target audience spends their time and how they prefer to consume video content. This will influence not only where you post your videos but also the style and length of your content.

Video Content Optimisation

Optimising your video for both search engines and social media platforms is crucial. This includes using the right keywords, creating engaging thumbnails, and ensuring your videos are mobile-friendly. Also, consider the viewing habits on each platform – for instance, adding captions for viewers who watch without sound on social media.

Measuring Success

Track and analyse your video's performance using key metrics like view count, engagement rate, watch time, and conversion rate. This data will help you understand what works and what doesn't, allowing you to refine your strategy over time. Pay attention to viewer feedback and comments for qualitative insights.

Types of Videos to Consider

Depending on your goals and audience, different types of videos may be more effective. Educational videos can help explain complex products or services, while behind-the-scenes content can humanise your brand and build trust. Product demos, customer testimonials and thought leadership videos can also be powerful tools in your video marketing arsenal.


Video marketing in 2024 is about much more than just creating content; it's about creating the right content for the right audience and delivering it through the most effective channels. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, crafting a compelling message, optimising your content, measuring success and choosing the right types of videos, you can create a video marketing strategy that not only reaches but engages and converts your target audience.


Ready to navigate the world of video with confidence? We can help you create a strategic video roadmap that not only guides your video content but also integrates seamlessly with your broader marketing and communication efforts.

Book your free, no obligation call now →


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Making a marketing plan with post it notes

Navigating Video Marketing

A Step-by-Step Guide for Marketing Professionals

It’s no secret that video can be one of the most effective ways for marketers to engage their audiences and boost brand awareness. However, incorporating video content into a marketing strategy can seem daunting for those new to the medium. Statistics show that the biggest barriers to using video are a lack of time, not knowing where to start, concern about the potential cost, worries about the return on investment (ROI), and not being able to convince decision-makers about the value of video. The endless options offered by video marketing, from what type of content to curate to where to post it, can become overwhelming. But, if you do nothing, you could be left behind. 

This comprehensive guide aims to provide marketing professionals with a step-by-step approach to navigating video marketing successfully. From planning and production to distribution and analysis, we’ll explore best practices and practical tips to overcome the learning curve and harness the full potential of video marketing.

You begin by identifying your target audience, who you are aiming to reach with video.  Then you determine your own goals and those of the business, what you’re trying to achieve through the use of video.  These first two critical steps will combine to inform your content, what your message will be and your methods for distribution, the platform(s) you will use for sharing your videos. Optimisation of your content is crucial if you’re to achieve the best results so you will also need to know which metrics to track and analyse. Finally, you can decide on the method and style of production that is the best fit for your strategy.

These individual elements combine to form a robust video marketing strategy. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of them:

1. Identify your audience

Your first step is to identify the audience you want to reach using video. Normally, as a marketing professional, you’ll already have a pretty good grasp of who your target market is. You won’t be able to position what you’re offering to meet customers’ (and potential customers’) needs without knowing who they are.

To be successful, it is important to consider your audience with every piece of content that you create. When you understand your audience, you understand what they care about and therefore what content you can create that’s going to cut through and mean something to them. You’ll know what videos to make, where those videos need to be distributed and how to create a cohesive video marketing strategy that resonates with your ideal customer throughout their journey as they become aware of, consider and then decide to buy your product or service.

2. Set your goals

  • What do you need your video content to achieve?
  • Where along your ideal customer’s journey could you use video content most effectively?
  • What areas of your marketing and customer engagement funnel need improvement and where are the gaps that could potentially be filled by online video content?

Having the answers to these questions is important when developing a video marketing strategy for your company or organisation. Video marketing can be used to raise brand awareness, build customer relationships, grow your mailing list, or promote products and services. You can use it to answer questions, educate, share testimonials, tell your brand story, stream live events or deliver entertaining content.

Combined with an understanding of what your audience needs, your goals will help you pinpoint the kind of video(s) that you need to produce.

3. Define your video’s key message 

Now you are clear on your goals and the audience you want to reach, you can begin shaping the key message of the planned video(s).

  • What is it that you want to say?
  • What is the main thing that you want people to take away and remember after watching the video?

As with all successful marketing, the key is to make your message clear and concise.

The video needs to speak to its audience in a way that rings true and with a message they can’t ignore. Without something useful and interesting to say to the target audience, you risk seeing your video sink without a trace.

If there is a lot you want to say about a particular topic, you could always create a video series covering bite-sized elements of the same subject. This is an effective way to build anticipation in potential customers who see one video and want to view more from you.

4. Decide your primary distribution platform

An advantage of knowing your audience is that you’ll understand how they like to spend their time and how they like to consume video.

  • Where do they watch video?
  • How do they watch video?
  • What devices do they prefer?

The answers to these questions will help you plan what will be your primary distribution platform and how you might use other platforms to promote your content.

  • Are you going to publish the video on your website?
  • Will you start a YouTube channel?
  • Which social media channels do your customers love?

It’s critical that you produce your video content according to the optimum specifications for each particular platform. This includes such things as screen ratio, the size of the video frame, how to use captions or titles on the screen, and even the overall duration of your video.

It’s not just technical specifications you need to think about; the way that the video is actually structured should be considered too.

All of those decisions need to be made in a way that recognises the nuances of the individual platforms that you’re going to be publishing on. The reality is that YouTube is a different platform to Facebook. And LinkedIn video is different from Instagram video. Every social media platform is a video platform these days and you need to create content with production considerations aligned to your chosen distribution platforms.

5. Determine your optimisation techniques

In brief, you’ll need to optimise your video for your audience and also for the algorithms of the various video platforms.  If you don’t, your videos might not even be seen by your intended audience.

[This can get a little technical if you’d like to know more about video optimisation then please leave a comment below or contact me directly.]

Optimising for an audience means enticing them to actually press play.  To stop their thumb scrolling and attract their attention.  Not only that, but you’ll also need to retain their interest long enough to get your message across.

Optimising for the algorithms is similar to search engine optimisation and makes use of some common digital marketing techniques. There are many optimisation strategies to give your videos a higher chance of ranking. In general though, if your videos are getting watched and maintaining the interest of your audience then the algorithms will also look favourably upon your content.

6. Analyse your video’s performance 

What gets measured gets improved and no online marketing campaign can be successful without measuring and analysing performance.

There is a lot of useful data available to help determine the effectiveness of the video in achieving your desired goal. In fact, this is one of the real strengths of digital video marketing as opposed to traditional video advertising.

Pay attention to the metrics that matter so that you can refine your video marketing strategy moving forward.  No matter what your chosen distribution platform is, think about what data you have access to and how that data can inform your future strategy.

If you’ve never created marketing videos before then your first opportunity for analysis will come after your first video is released. If, however, you already have a back catalogue of videos then I would advise that you do this immediately.  You can use the analytics already at your disposal to inform many of your future video production decisions. So, make this the starting point for your ongoing video marketing strategy.

7. Decide what kind of videos you will make 

Production considerations are the last element in an effective video marketing strategy. When you make strategic decisions about audience, goals, content, distribution, optimisation and metrics BEFORE you plan for production, the power of a video marketing strategy becomes clear.

By completing the various steps above, you should have a much stronger sense of who you want to reach and why, your key message, and the kind of video that will have the biggest impact on your audience.

As we’ve seen, different types of video are likely to be appropriate for different segments of your audience.

  • Do you want a product demonstration video for people interested in a particular product range?
  • Do you want to share a customer success story to promote a service?
  • Or do you want to film a behind-the-scenes video about your employees?

These are just a few of your options.


Developing an effective video marketing strategy for your business can take some time and effort but it’s essential if you’re to achieve the desired results with video. With each and every video within your marketing strategy, you need to understand what it is that you want the video to do.  What action do you want your audience to take?  How do you want them to feel?  What do you want them to think?  Content that does not have a clear idea of what the intended goal is for the video is simply noise.  Your mission is to cut through the noise.

A carefully designed strategy is your roadmap for success with your video content.

And, by taking time to reflect and track the results each time a new video is launched, you can strengthen your video marketing strategy. In turn, this will boost your visibility, develop your voice, build your audience and improve conversions. By following this step-by-step guide, marketing professionals can confidently navigate the world of video marketing and harness its immense potential.


Do you need help in creating an effective video strategy for your business? At Reach Video we provide the strategy, content and ability to connect to your target audience, drive them to action and deliver tangible, profitable results.


For further guidance on how to use video to grow your business, download our free guide “Achieve Success with Video”.