Video metrics and why they matter to you

How we measure whether your videos are delivering the desired results.

Producing a successful video is not just about making something that looks good but also about making something that actually delivers results.

But, how do we know if a video has achieved the results that you’re looking for? Well, we track the video metrics that matter!

The approach of combining art with science is at the heart of any good video marketing strategy.

But what are the video metrics that matter and what do they mean for your videos?

Five main types of data for video

There is a huge array of data available to assess how a video is performing and whether it’s achieving the goals you have set for it. Different platforms offer different video metrics that, when put together, can help you build a deeper understanding of your audience and how you could use video even more effectively in the future.

Broadly speaking though, all of the available metrics will fall into five different categories:

  1. Reach
  2. Engagement
  3. Conversion
  4. Retention
  5. Audience

Let’s look at these in more detail.

Reach: How many people have seen the video?

The data in this category helps us understand how many people may potentially have been exposed to your video content.

This doesn’t necessarily mean people who viewed the video in its entirety – or at all! – but instead, the number of people who may have seen it in a social media newsfeed, for example, thus registering as an ‘impression’.

Each platform varies in how it measures reach and impressions. On Facebook, a video just needs to appear on the screen – even without playing – to count as an impression.

Reach data can be a helpful measure of brand awareness and impact and it is the first metric that we look out for.  Without reach there will not be a lot of other data to measure but, it is only the start. To get a fuller picture you’ll have to dive deeper. What actions have your audience taken as a result of seeing your videos?

Engagement: How interested in your video was your audience?

For marketing of any kind to be effective, it needs to attract engagement.

In other words, people need to like what they’re seeing and interact with the brand in some way. We might measure this by looking at metrics such as:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Watching with the sound on
  • Watching the video to completion
  • Repeated viewings

Generally speaking, the higher the level of engagement in a video, the more effective the video is.

This is reflected in YouTube’s algorithms, which use ‘watch times’ rather than ‘views’ as an important positive ranking signal. After all, a view can be a matter of seconds whereas longer watch times suggest the viewer actively choosing to consume the video content.

Facebook, on the other hand, uses average completion rates – i.e. the per cent of each video your audience watches – to rank video content in newsfeeds. The more people who watch from start to finish, the better for your visibility.

According to Facebook, 48% of all video watch time can be attributed to social sharing, which is why stats relating to likes, comments and shares are relevant.

It’s worth keeping an eye on average view durations too. This measures the total watch times of a video divided by the number of watches. This can help us build up a good sense of the ideal video length for the audience – if people keep dropping off 30 seconds into a 45-second video, it could be an indication that the video needs editing or that future videos should be shorter.

Data covering repeated viewing is also helpful. Are there particular sections of a video that people keep re-watching? If so, this could be a sign that this portion of the video is of greater interest to your audience.

The above metrics are all positive signals that your video content is striking a chord with its intended audience. People want to watch, they’re interested in what you have to say.

If, on the other hand, you don’t see much in the way of engagement, this could be a sign that you’re reaching the wrong audience or that your message needs fine-tuning before it will resonate.

Negative feedback such as how many people hide a video or unlike your Facebook page after watching will give you a clearer view of what videos just aren’t a good fit for your customers.

Videos comments tend to provide softer, qualitative data about how people feel about your videos or brand. This can give you some powerful insights into what matters to your audience.

Conversion: How many people are doing what you want them to do after watching the video?

As we saw in my previous article where I detailed How to create a video marketing strategy it is essential to have clear goals for your videos.

Most often, a goal will include something you want people to do after watching your content. This might be visiting your website, signing up to your mailing list, making a booking, or buying a product or service.

For this reason, most businesses concentrate on conversion metrics.

This is the data that tells you about sales, new leads, lead quality, site traffic, clickthroughs and conversion rates.

Stats such as your clickthrough rates can give you great insights into how your call to action is working. Does it need repositioning within the video or would different wording work better?

Also, conversion stats can help you understand how video is best used on your landing pages. Again, does the position make a difference? Or the length? Are people more likely to make a purchase on a sales page with or without watching a video?

Retention: What happens to the customer after they buy from you?

If you’ve read How to use video content throughout the ‘customer journey then you’ll remember that the journey doesn’t end with a purchase.

Every business should focus on retaining as many customers as possible. Research shows that as few as 8% of your customers can account for 41% of your revenue – these are your repeat customers!

So, retention metrics are those that help you build up a picture of how many customers are returning, how long they stay a customer, how often they buy from you and how they rate your service. You might also want to look at referrals and customer complaints in this category too.

The videos you create for the retention or loyalty/advocacy stage of the customer journey will have a different message to your earlier-stage videos. Retention metrics will help you to craft and refine this message.

Audience: Who is watching your videos?

The final broad category of video metrics is relevant at all stages of the customer journey and will be core to your video marketing strategy.

These are the audience metrics that help you understand who is watching your videos.

As well as providing demographics such as gender, age, location, socio-economic background, location, device, etc. of your audience, these metrics can also help you answer different questions.

For example, are your videos resonating with the right people? Or are they reaching an unexpected audience? What type of videos seem to resonate most strongly with your audience?

Why the metrics matter

What gets measured gets improved and no online marketing campaign can be successful without measuring and analysing performance. One of the real strengths of digital video marketing, as opposed to traditional video advertising, is the amount of useful data available to help determine the effectiveness of the video in achieving your desired goal. But, it’s important to know which video metrics matter so that you can refine your video marketing strategy moving forward.

By taking time to reflect and track the results of each video you publish you can strengthen your video marketing strategy. In turn, this will boost your visibility, develop your voice, build your audience and improve conversions.

Do you need help in creating an effective video strategy for your business? At Reach Video we provide the strategy, content and ability to connect to your target audience, drive them to action and deliver tangible, profitable results.

Woman eating popcorn and watching a movie

The importance of storytelling in your brand videos

How to weave stories into your brand videos and why your customer must be the hero in your story.

If your marketing content is to stand out from the crowd then it is important to tap into the power of video storytelling.

We all love a good story.  As human beings, we are psychologically wired to enjoy them. Stories help us to make sense of the world, concepts, emotions, morality, society and so much more.

Stories create an emotional connection

Stories invite the audience to step into the main character’s shoes and imagine themselves going through the same trials and triumphs.

For video marketing purposes, this is powerful because you can entice your target audience to join you on a journey that highlights how good their life will look if they buy from you.

Video storytelling can make your brand more memorable as our human brains find it much easier to recall the key points of a story than a list of features. It can also help you to forge a deeper emotional connection with your customers, secure more sales and result in more repeat business.

The customer is the hero

Many businesses make the mistake of believing that they are the hero of their marketing stories. But, in truth, a story will only resonate if the viewer – in this case, the potential customer – takes centre stage.

If you have read my previous article, Your Brand Video. What it is and what it’s not you will already know that the most successful brand stories are those that recognise the ‘hero’ is not the brand. Your challenge is to pinpoint where your business fits into the hero’s story and then play that role with aplomb through the story you tell (more about this later).

Plot-lines that work for business videos

According to storytelling expert and screenwriter, Melissa Cassera, there are two main types of plotline that are particularly effective for brand videos.

The first is to tell a story about Overcoming the Monster. The second is to take your customers on a Quest with you.

At their heart, both types of story are about the triumph of good over evil, heroes over villains, success over adversity.

How does this translate into a video to market your business, products or services?

Using the Overcoming the Monster approach, the monster will probably be a problem that your customer is currently facing.

This could be a legal problem that they don’t know how to overcome, being stuck in a dead-end job with no prospect of promotion or a dietary need that’s affecting their life – the type of challenge or ‘monster’ will depend entirely on the nature of your business.

Once you’ve identified the monster that is most affecting your potential customers, your video needs to tell the story of how your business can help the viewer to slay the monster.

The Quest format may overlap with an Overcoming the Monster story or be told independently.

The concept of the quest is that the hero of the story – your customer – will go on a journey through various challenges and pitfalls until they reach their desired destination.

Your business should act as a guide, leading the customer safely through their journey to a happy ending.

The rule of three

From 10-second Instagram marketing videos to three-hour-long films or children’s short stories to classic novels, most stories are told in three acts.

  • Act one – the ‘Hook’ – sets the scene and draws the audience in
  • Act two tells the meat of the story, setting up the conflict and delivering on the hook promised in act one
  • Act three resolves and concludes the story, giving viewers a satisfying ending – with marketing messages, act three may end with a call to action

This ‘rule of three’ can be applied to most marketing messages and is a strong way to define the story you want to tell in your video.

Other key elements to include in your video story

I’m a big fan of Donald Miller’s StoryBrand approach to brand storytelling. After analysing a huge number of famous films and stories, Donald believes that there are seven key parts to any compelling story:

  1. You know what your audience wants 

If you’re able to identify exactly what it is that your potential customers want and need, you can not only develop an engaging story but also communicate how you can meet these needs in a clear, compelling and memorable way.

  1. You can identify three levels of problems 

In stories, there are three types of problems that prevent the hero of the tale achieving what they want. These problems are either external, internal or philosophical.

Typically, the external problem is something that has happened or will happen to the hero that’s beyond their control. For example, the target customer for a legal firm may be someone who doesn’t know how to go about writing a will but desperately needs to do one.

Using this example, the internal problem would be that the hero of the story has to find someone they can trust and someone who is affordable to help them but they don’t know where to start. They keep putting their worries about their will to one side, reasoning that it’s not urgent.

The philosophical problem explains why their internal feelings need to be resolved.

The hero in our example above risks leaving his family with a huge amount of stress and legal hassle to sort out his estate. Without a will, they will not be able to ensure that his last wishes are honoured. The hero won’t want to leave his family to suffer when he’s gone.

As Donald Miller tells us, the best marketing messages solve all three of these problems in one go.

For example, “At Acme Law, we offer a trustworthy, affordable will writing service that will protect your estate and save your loved ones from distress when you die”.

  1. You position yourself as a guide 

In every good story, there’s a guide, mentor or teacher who comes in and helps the hero. In the case of brand marketing, this guide should be your business.

You can use storytelling to show how you support your customers to help them achieve whatever it is they want. This might be by giving them the best tools, insider knowledge, an easier journey or something else altogether.

  1. You can give your audience a plan 

Think about your favourite story and the chances are that the guide who supports the hero puts together some sort of plan for them to follow.

The plan is what tells your audience how you’re going to get them from where they are now to where they want to be.

For example, an orthodontist might tell potential customers who want a brace that they should:

1) come in for a face-to-face consultation,

2) receive and agree their individual treatment plan and

3) complete their treatment with the beautiful smile they’ve always wanted.

The clearer you can make the plan, the better.

  1. Know your call to action 

Even with the most compelling, effective marketing videos, it’s essential to provide a clear call to action. What is it that you want the people watching the video to do next? People won’t act unless you tell them.

  1. & 7. You know what success or failure looks like for your audience

Your story and the call to action may lead to a happy or sad ending for the customer, depending on what they decide to do (or not do).

Your brand story needs to show the viewer how good their life will look if they follow the call to action or how bad it would look if they decide to walk away.

Your customers have to have a stake in the story

What each of the approaches above tells us is that your customer has to have a stake in the story you choose to tell.

This stake is what will spark an emotional connection and spur the viewer to action once the story is over.

With brand messaging, you can use your story to show your purpose, values and how you benefit others. In turn, your target audience will realise that they share the same values, beliefs and aspirations as your brand. They will prefer to buy from you over another company because of this alignment.

As we’ve seen above, video storytelling isn’t just about telling the history of your business. It can also be used in other types of video such as explainer videos, behind-the-scenes videos, events videos, testimonial videos and case studies, or culture videos, as just a few examples.

In all cases, just remember that your business is the guide that leads the customers to success. Now, go out there and overcome the monster that is effective video marketing!

Developing a strategy for using video in your marketing mix can be confusing if you haven’t worked extensively with video before.

If you want to make video a profitable part of your business, it’s important that you have a video marketing strategy that extends beyond your normal digital marketing or content marketing strategy, and maximises the impact of the videos you get produced.

Don’t know exactly what you need?

Get in touch for some free advice and discover:

  • What videos will have the greatest impact on your bottom line
  • The best way to have your videos produced, based on your needs and budget
  • The video marketing channels that will deliver the greatest reach and engagement for your brand

The tremendous power of the Video Testimonial

Why you should create testimonial videos for your business.

When was the last time you made a major purchase decision, without first checking out reviews for that product or service?

Online reviews have become essential to today’s customers and video takes their impact to the next level.

Why are testimonials, reviews and case studies so important?

According to the 2019 BrightLocal Consumer Review Survey, 82% of people say that they check reviews before buying, while the average consumer reads 10 reviews before they’ll trust a business.

The message is clear – in today’s marketing savvy world, a business without customer reviews or testimonials will really struggle to win new customers.

Why is this?

We all know that businesses will use their marketing to say how great they are, so we approach these messages with a healthy dose of scepticism. What we really want to see is reviews and testimonials from genuine, recent customers.

According to the BrightLocal survey, 76% of us trust online reviews as much as recommendations from our friends and family (a figure that skyrockets to 89% for consumers aged 35 to 54).

The power of testimonial videos

Who better to sell to your future customers than your current happy customers?

People want to hear honest, unscripted opinions about your products and services from someone who doesn’t have anything to gain from encouraging them to make a purchase.

I’ve mentioned just a few stats above that show how influential reviews are (the BrightLocal Survey includes a lot more). Video testimonials, reviews and case studies take this influence a step further.

Video testimonials are more effective than written reviews because the human brain retains 95% of what it sees in a video, compared to 10% of what it reads.

There’s also an emotional connection that comes from seeing and hearing someone speak about a product or service. The mannerisms and expressions of a genuine customer add a layer of authenticity that simply can’t be achieved with text.

It’s known that the human brain is full of mirror neurons that fire either when we do something or when we see someone else doing it. If we watch a video of someone feeling happy, relieved or thankful, for example, those mirror neurons tell our brains to feel the same emotions too.

A testimonial video taps into this, inviting the viewer to step into the shoes of the happy customer and imagine how they will feel when things work out well for them too. This is an integral part of the brand story and how you can use your marketing to guide your audience to a successful outcome.

Video reviews, testimonials and case studies are also a powerful way to humanise your brand, even if the potential customer hasn’t come face-to-face with anyone from your company yet.

They see and hear someone who is just like them – someone who is struggling with the same challenges or who has the same aspirations – and it creates a feeling of connection and familiarity and the promise that your company will do its best by them too.

These feelings are essential to building credibility and trust.

Social proof is a powerful decision-making factor, so the fact that you have people who are so pleased with their customer experience that they’re willing to talk about it on camera is a huge vote of confidence.

Creating testimonial videos for different stages in the customer journey

Testimonial videos are incredibly versatile, meaning that they can be pitched to different stages of the customer journey. For example, you might want to use short testimonials that focus on emotional experience for the Awareness stage but release in-depth case studies highlighting measurable outcomes for the Conversion stage.

A really effective approach is to film an in-depth case study but pull out shorter snippets and soundbites to use as testimonials or to include in your company’s brand story. This is a great way of repurposing your content throughout your sales funnel and making the most of your video marketing budget.

This tactic also helps to take the potential customer on a journey with the existing customer. For example, someone might watch a short testimonial just as they’re becoming aware of your company but be more willing to watch a longer case study when they’re seriously considering a purchase. The viewer might think, “This was the person who said they were happy with this company. Now I want to know what made them happy, in particular. How did they measure the outcome?”

Another benefit of video testimonials is that they are ideal for sharing on your website, social media or via email, boosting the visibility of your brand across multiple platforms.

The case for case studies

As we’ve seen above, a cost-effective and strategic approach is to film in-depth case studies and then use snippets from these as testimonials.

According to the Content Marketing Institute’s 2018 benchmarks study, case studies are ranked as the second most effective content marketing tool behind ebooks and whitepapers. Pre-produced videos were the third most widely used type of content marketing after social media posts and case studies.

Knowing that case studies and video are both ranked so highly, it makes sense to bring them together.

Case studies give you room to take an in-depth look at a customer and why they needed a product or service that you offer. You can then draw out the benefits that came from choosing your company over your competitors.

How to use video testimonials

Once you’ve found suitable customers to feature in your videos, you’ll need to think about how you’re going to use the testimonials and where they’ll fit in the customer journey. This will help you pinpoint the kind of soundbites you want to pull out.

Testimonials are the ideal way to convey your authority and expertise as well as your connection with your customers in a way that makes the customer the ‘hero’, the one who has triumphed with your help.

Here are a few ideas for soundbites you can look for when collecting testimonials:

  • Overcoming objections – Look for testimonials that address the reasons people may be worried about buying from you, e.g. “I was worried that the service would be expensive but I saved over £500 by getting professional advice”.
  • Solving problems – Aim to get soundbites that highlight the customer’s problem and how your product or service provided a solution, e.g. “I needed a proper contract that I could send out to my customers. Acme legal created one for me, covering issues that I hadn’t even considered”.
  • Adding value – Look at how testimonials can help you take potential customers past the payment threshold by focusing on how much value they received, e.g. “I have received bespoke support as well as lifetime access to expert resources so it really is tremendous value”


Testimonials are all about highlighting the benefits of choosing your business from the customer’s perspective.

They answer the customer’s question, “What’s in it for me?” and provide a strong motivation to buy.

The tremendous power of the video testimonial means you should be looking for ways to use them wherever it makes sense.  This is why, in a previous post, I listed the testimonial video as one of the 7 effective ways to use video in your business marketing.

They are easily filmed and you can use them across a variety of different marketing campaigns.  Surely, there can’t be much other content that offers a better bang for your buck?!

Developing a strategy for using video in your marketing mix can be confusing if you haven’t worked extensively with video before.

If you want to make video a profitable part of your business, it’s important that you have a video marketing strategy that extends beyond your normal digital marketing or content marketing strategy, and maximises the impact of the videos you get produced.

Don’t know exactly what you need?

Get in touch for some free advice and discover:

  • What videos will have the greatest impact on your bottom line
  • The best way to have your videos produced, based on your needs and budget
  • The video marketing channels that will deliver the greatest reach and engagement for your brand

Your Brand Video. What it is and what it’s not.

How to use your brand video to effectively tell your story and attract your ideal audience

Not so long ago, businesses would rarely use more than one type of video.  This would be the company video, a promotional film that was all about themselves and was often a little conceited too. This video would be shown everywhere possible, at presentations, exhibitions and on a constant loop in the company reception.

These days, with video most commonly shown on the internet, it is no longer enough to use one style of video to do it all.  Corporate video has evolved and the company promotional video is now commonly called a brand video.  You may have read my earlier article where I listed the brand video as one of the 7 effective ways to use video in your business marketing. It is still an essential element of a business’s video marketing but the content and structure need to be different if the video is to attract and engage your target audience.

So what is a brand video?  Read on to find out.

Brand video overview

A brand video is perfect content for raising awareness and positioning your brand in the market. This ‘top of funnel content’ should be targeted at an audience that is early in their customer journey and needs to be created with an emotional connection in mind.

People buy with emotion and then justify their purchase with logic, so an “awareness video” such as your brand video is about encouraging people to connect emotionally with your company. You must do this before asking them to buy.

Tell the story of your business and why you do what you do. Show potential customers that you have the answers they need and that you understand them. Give an overview of your products and services. This is your chance to introduce your brand.

Why create a brand video?

The brand video is powerful content for your business. It introduces potential customers to the personal story behind the brand and is a great way to showcase why you’re the best choice for your audience.

Your brand video is a fantastic way to bring the personality and ethos of your business to your target customers in a format that people are most able to retain.

This is core video content that plays an important role in many video marketing strategies.

What should a brand video include?

As we’ve seen above, a brand video needs to tell the story of your business, the how and why it came into being. There are many different ways that you can choose to do this, depending on the story you want to tell.

Typically, the duration of these videos is between two and three minutes. Long enough to tell your story, differentiate you from the competition and engage potential customers without being overwhelming.

If possible, try to include one or two client testimonials within your brand video. Video testimonials help people see other people like themselves, which helps them relate, to picture themselves in the other person’s place. Therefore, a client testimonial video can be an extremely powerful tool in converting sceptical leads. There needs to be a method of gaining your prospect’s trust to convince them to engage further with your business, which is why video testimonials are so powerful.

I’m a big fan of Donald Miller’s Storybrand and if you’re familiar with his content then you will already know that the most successful brand stories are those that recognise the ‘hero’ is not the brand. Instead, we must position the client or customer in the hero role with the brand, business or product serving the role of the guide. At the awareness stage in the customer journey, your audience doesn’t really care about you.  They are focused on themselves and their own problems which they are seeking a solution for.  Acknowledge your audience’s problems, provide a solution through your products or services and offer to guide them to a successful resolution.

The structure of your brand video

Your brand video or ‘story’ needs to have a clear emotional hook that grabs the audience’s attention with something that they really care about. This can be a visual, textual or aural hook, whatever will best serve your story and draw the viewer in.

Often, the emotional hook will reflect the ‘pain’ or problem the customer faces. You should emphasise what’s at stake from the outset.

From this pain comes desire – the desire for a better life, a resolution, the realisation of a dream. This is what sets your brand story in motion.

The video should set up the positive outcomes that can be reached by working with your brand, product or service. Allow your customers to really connect with that and want the same outcomes for themselves.

This is where your brand comes into its own, guiding and leading the customer through their journey of transformation and success.

With your business by their side, how will the customer’s new normal look? Your brand story should clearly highlight the win, the possibilities of a changed life that come from engaging with your brand.

Finally, a soft call to action inviting viewers to learn more or engage further works well and can be either explicitly mentioned or more subtly encouraged through the words and action on the screen. This could be asking viewers to download a free guide, enter a competition or sign up for a webinar. The action will depend on your video strategy and the overall goals of the business.

Building on your brand story

With your ‘Brand Story’ in place, we recommend creating additional video content that continues the conversation with your prospective customers and moves them through your sales funnel. Examples of such content include ‘Client stories’, ‘How-to’ or ‘Explainer’ videos, ‘FAQs’ and in-depth ‘Services’ videos.

As we can see, brand videos are a powerful communication tool between any business and its customers.

Of course, the content has to be supported by a great video marketing strategy. In other words, you need to know why you’re using video and what your desired outcome is. Get that right and your content will truly resonate with its target audience, turning them from first-time viewers into passionate brand ambassadors.

Developing a strategy for using video in your marketing mix can be confusing if you haven’t worked extensively with video before.

If you want to make video a profitable part of your business, it’s important that you have a video marketing strategy that extends beyond your normal digital marketing or content marketing strategy, and maximises the impact of the videos you get produced.

Don’t know exactly what you need?

Get in touch for some free advice and discover:

  • What videos will have the greatest impact on your bottom line
  • The best way to have your videos produced, based on your needs and budget
  • The video marketing channels that will deliver the greatest reach and engagement for your brand

7 effective ways to use video in your business marketing

What different styles of video content to use & when

If you want to attract new customers online, increase engagement and grow your business then video marketing provides many benefits. But having decided to use video marketing to grow your business, what style of video should you use?

The answer will depend on the purpose behind the video and where it fits in the customer journey.

Below are seven common styles of video that can be used for different reasons.

1. Brand videos (The story of your ‘why’)

Your brand video is perfect content for raising awareness and positioning your brand in the market. This ‘top of funnel content’ should be targeted at an audience that is early in their customer journey and needs to be created with an emotional connection in mind.

This is where the power of storytelling really shines when it comes to video. Every business has a unique story to tell. What’s yours?

The brand video is powerful because it introduces potential customers to the personal story behind the brand.

Why was your business created? How did you come to offer the products or services that you sell? Why are they so important to you? How do they make a difference to the lives of your customers?

Having a brand video is a great way to showcase why you’re the best choice for your audience. It will serve as a visual introduction, allowing people to become familiar with what exactly your company has to offer.

This is core video content that plays an important role in many video marketing strategies. So important, in fact, that I’m going to dedicate an entire article to the brand video in a future post.

2. Testimonial videos (Case studies & social proof)

People influence people.

Recent stats show that 72% of us won’t buy from a company without customer reviews.

Every business will tell you that you should buy from them. The truly convincing marketing message comes from genuine, satisfied customers who are happy to talk about how buying from a business benefitted them in some way.

And this is where video has the edge over the written word. It’s one thing to read a great review about a business but it’s quite another to see the person on camera, to witness their emotion, and to hear them talking about how much they’ve gained by buying from you.

There’s no better way to show the impact you’ve made than to show the people you’ve impacted. This is the ultimate social proof.

The testimonial video, or the in-depth case study, is a must-have for any business aiming to attract customers online.  It can also be used later in the customer journey during the consideration and purchase stages. I’ll explain why you should create testimonial videos & case studies for your business in a future article.

3. Services (Demos/product walkthroughs)

There will always be barriers that hold people back from buying. Price, functionality, ease of use, time commitments or fear of making a mistake are all common worries.

Product or service demos/walkthroughs are one of the most effective ways to address these issues and show people why they shouldn’t walk away without making a purchase. Because of that, it is perfect content to use during the consideration and, most commonly, purchase stages of the customer journey.

Use a product demonstration or service walkthrough to show exactly how something works or to highlight its value or convenience.

Ultimately, these videos should help potential customers picture what it will be like once they’ve made their purchase. You can help them imagine using one of your products or being supported by a service you offer.

4. How-to (Explainer videos/FAQs)

Sometimes it’s difficult for people to understand what a product or service includes from pictures or text.

A short-form explainer video can help to make your offering clearer and, similar to service demos/product walk-throughs, they are most likely to be used during the consideration and purchase stages of the customer journey.

This style of video highlights the features and benefits of a product, service or business idea in a succinct and compelling way.

You’ll often find explainer videos on a landing page or the Home page of a website, as well as ads on social media.

Another option is to use video to answer your potential customers’ FAQs.

There are different approaches you can take, from product demonstrations to a customer service rep talking straight to the camera. Many businesses also create a series of videos to answer a different FAQ in each one.

The key here is to identify what potential customers worry most about and reassure them with information, advice and experience.

This content can be the difference between people dropping out of the sales funnel and turning into a paying customer.

5. Culture (Meet the team/employee bios)

With so much of today’s communication being done online via email, instant messaging and chatbots, it’s easy for businesses and their customers to forget that there’s a person on either side of the communication.

Like the brand videos we mentioned above, employee bio videos are an engaging way to introduce the people that make the business.

These videos can take the place of a headshot and short blurb on your About or Team Profile web pages or they can enhance the text. They act as a short portrait of your key people, showing why they care about what they do and why this matters to your customers.

After all, it’s not just your business that has a unique story to share – your employees have their own too. Profile videos can showcase their talent and experience, while also beginning what will hopefully be a lasting connection between your customers and staff.

Another option is to create company culture videos that highlight what your business is like behind closed doors.

These videos have great social value and they’re good for recruitment. If you’re keen to recruit new employees, culture videos are the best way to show off what sets your business apart and makes you unique.

6. Community Involvement

Once you’re at the stage where you’re putting out a lot of content then it’s a good idea to mix things up a bit.

How does your business connect with the local community? Are there any initiatives that your employees are involved with? Could your team take part in some volunteering or sponsor a local organisation?

You can use video to show what you’re doing to support your wider community, why you’re doing it and how you’re making an impact. Again, this is a fantastic way to show the human face of your brand.

7. Thank you (personalisation)

The customer journey should continue long after someone has made a purchase from your company for the first time.

Stats show that it costs five times more to recruit a new customer than it does to keep a current one. Repeat customers also convert more easily, spend more and make more referrals than one-time-only customers.

But how can you use video to help with customer retention?

‘Personalisation’ is the key here. It’s important to make sure that your existing customers feel individually noticed and valued. You can do this by sending out a video thank-you message or a personalised welcome message.

How could you use video to grow your business?

So, there we have it, seven different ways in which you can use video to engage with your current and prospective customers. There are, of course, many other ways in which you can use video to grow your business. First of all, assess what it is that you want to achieve and then consider what style of video aligns best with your goals.

How could you use video to grow your business? Contact us to start a conversation.

Developing a strategy for using video in your marketing mix can be confusing if you haven’t worked extensively with video before.

If you want to make video a profitable part of your business, it’s important that you have a video marketing strategy that extends beyond your normal digital marketing or content marketing strategy, and maximises the impact of the videos you get produced.

Don’t know exactly what you need?

Get in touch for some free advice and discover:

  • What videos will have the greatest impact on your bottom line
  • The best way to have your videos produced, based on your needs and budget
  • The video marketing channels that will deliver the greatest reach and engagement for your brand

How to create a video marketing strategy

The 7 elements of an effective online video marketing strategy

Many businesses realise the effectiveness of using video as a marketing tool but, if you’ve read my previous articles, you will understand that to make the best use of video you must be strategic in your approach. Below I will introduce the 7 elements of an effective video marketing strategy that aligns with your audience, your chosen distribution platforms and your business goals.

A strategy-first approach means that you take a ‘big picture’ view and map out what you want to achieve through using video, how you’re going to achieve it and how you’re going to measure its success.

You begin by identifying your target audience, who you are aiming to reach with video.  Then you determine your own business goals, what you’re trying to achieve through the use of video.  These first two critical steps will combine to inform your content, what your message will be and your methods for distribution, the platform(s) you will use for sharing your videos. Optimisation of your content is crucial if you’re to achieve the best results so you will also need to know which metrics to track and analyse. Finally, you can decide on the method and style of production that is the best fit for your strategy.

These individual elements combine to form a robust video marketing strategy. Let’s take a closer look at each of them:

1. Identify your audience

Your first step is to identify the audience you want to reach using video.

Normally, for a business, your target audience will be your ideal customer. You won’t be able to position what you’re offering to meet customers’ (and potential customers’) needs without knowing who they are.

To be successful, it is important to consider your audience with every piece of content that you create.

  • How well do you know your ideal customers’ backgrounds, their goals, and their challenges?
  • How well do you understand their interests and needs?

These questions may sound specific, but you need to really understand your customer and your audience. Because when you understand your audience, you understand what they care about and therefore what content you can create that’s going to cut through and mean something to them. You’ll know what videos to make, where those videos need to be distributed and how to create a cohesive video marketing strategy that resonates with your ideal customer throughout their journey as they become aware of, engage with and decide to buy your product or service.

Consider creating a detailed profile or ‘customer persona’ of your ideal customer that will help you understand them better.

2. Set your goals

  • What do you need your video content to achieve?
  • Where along your ideal customer’s journey could you use video content most effectively?
  • What areas of your marketing and customer engagement funnel need improvement and where are the gaps that could potentially be filled by online video content?

Having the answers to these questions is important when developing a video marketing strategy for your business. Video marketing can be used to raise brand awareness, build customer relationships, grow your mailing list, or to promote products and services. You can use it to answer questions, educate, share testimonials, tell your brand story, stream live events or deliver entertaining content.

Combined with an understanding of what your audience needs, your goals will help you pinpoint the kind of video(s) that you need to produce.

3. Define your video’s key message 

Now you are clear on your goals and the audience you want to reach, you can begin shaping the key message of the planned video(s).

  • What is it that you want to say?
  • What is the main thing that you want people to take away and remember after watching the video?

As with all successful marketing, the key is to make your message clear and concise.

The video needs to speak to its audience in a way that rings true and with a message they can’t ignore. Without something useful and interesting to say to the target audience, you risk seeing your video sink without a trace.

If there is a lot you want to say about a particular topic, you could always create a video series covering bite-sized elements of the same subject. This is an effective way to build anticipation in potential customers who see one video and want to view more from you.

4. Decide your primary distribution platform

An advantage of knowing your audience is that you’ll understand how they like to spend their time and how they like to consume video.

  • Where do they watch video?
  • How do they watch video?
  • What devices do they prefer?

The answers to these questions will help you plan what will be your primary distribution platform and how you might use other platforms to promote your content.

  • Are you going to publish the video on your website?
  • Will you start a YouTube channel?
  • Which social media channels do your customers love?

It’s critical that you produce your video content according to the optimum specifications for each particular platform. This includes such things as screen ratio, the size of the video frame, how to use captions or titles on the screen, and even the overall duration of your video.

It’s not just technical specifications you need to think about; the way that the video is actually structured should be considered too.

All of those decisions need to be made in a way that recognises the nuances of the individual platforms that you’re going to be publishing on. The reality is that YouTube is a different platform to Facebook. And LinkedIn video is different from Instagram video. Every social media platform is a video platform these days and you need to create content with production considerations aligned to your chosen distribution platforms.

5. Determine your optimisation techniques

In brief, you’ll need to optimise your video for your audience and also for the algorithms of the various video platforms.  If you don’t, your videos might not even be seen by your intended audience.

Optimising for an audience means enticing them to actually press play.  To stop their thumb scrolling and attract their attention.  Not only that, but you’ll also need to retain their interest long enough to get your message across.

Optimising for the algorithms is similar to search engine optimisation and makes use of some common digital marketing techniques. There are many optimisation strategies to give your videos a higher chance of ranking. In general though, if your videos are getting watched and maintaining the interest of your audience then the algorithms will also look favourably upon your content.

6. Analyse your video’s performance 

What gets measured gets improved and no online marketing campaign can be successful without measuring and analysing performance.

There is a lot of useful data available to help determine the effectiveness of the video in achieving your desired goal. In fact, this is one of the real strengths of digital video marketing as opposed to traditional video advertising.

Pay attention to the metrics that matter so that you can refine your video marketing strategy moving forward.  No matter what your chosen distribution platform is, think about what data you have access to and how that data can inform your future strategy.

One of the critical pieces of data when it comes to online video is how long people are actually watching your videos for. Take some time to understand the data. Look at those places where people are dropping off in your retention graphs, whether that be on YouTube, Facebook or wherever and identify what could be improved in the future.

If you’ve never created marketing videos before then your first opportunity for analysis will come after your first video is released. If, however, you already have a back catalogue of videos then I would advise that you do this immediately.  You can use the analytics already at your disposal to inform many of your future video production decisions. So, make this the starting point for your ongoing video marketing strategy.

7. Decide what kind of videos you will make 

Production considerations are the last element in an effective video marketing strategy. When you make strategic decisions about audience, goals, content, distribution, optimisation and metrics BEFORE you plan for production, the power of a video marketing strategy becomes clear.

By completing the various steps above, you should have a much stronger sense of who you want to reach and why, your key message, and the kind of video that will have the biggest impact on your audience.

As we’ve seen, different types of video are likely to be appropriate for different segments of your audience.

  • Do you want a product demonstration video for people interested in a particular product range?
  • Do you want to share a customer success story to promote a service?
  • Or do you want to film a behind the scenes video about your staff?

These are just a few of your options.  In my next article, I’ll be demonstrating how you can use video content throughout the customer journey.


Developing an effective video marketing strategy for your business can take some time and effort but it’s essential if you’re to achieve the desired results with video. With each and every video within your marketing strategy, you need to understand what it is that you want the video to do.  What action do you want your audience to take?  How do you want them to feel?  What do you want them to think?  Content that does not have a clear idea of what the intended goal is for the video is simply noise.  Your mission is to cut through the noise.

A carefully designed strategy is your roadmap for success with your video content.

And, by taking time to reflect and track the results each time a new video is launched, you can strengthen your video marketing strategy. In turn, this will boost your visibility, develop your voice, build your audience and improve conversions. 


Do you need help creating an effective video strategy for your business? At Reach Video we provide the strategy, content and ability to connect to your target audience, drive them to action and deliver tangible, profitable results.


Video Strategy - The When, Where and How of Video Production.

Why Video Strategy is essential in effective video production

Video is everywhere these days and it’s no surprise when you consider the 15 reasons why video marketing boosts business that I revealed in a previous post. However, now that everybody seems to be doing video it can be difficult to cut through the noise and reach your target audience and this is where the importance of developing an effective online video strategy becomes clear.

Many businesses understand the importance of using video in their marketing and outreach efforts but too often they are focussed on video from a form-driven approach. Video for video’s sake is what I call this “ Everybody’s doing video, so let’s make a video!”

But, if you’re considering using video within your business I would like to, first of all, ask you why?

  • Why do you want a video?
  • Is it just a video that you want or is there more to it than that?
  • What is it that you really want that you’re hoping a video will help you with?
  • Do you want a video or is it that you actually want the results that video can bring?

If you want your business to grow, change or you have identified something else within your business that needs to improve, then it’s true that video content can help you achieve that but you must be strategic in your approach.

How and why a strategy-first approach will shape your video production

A strategy-first approach to video production will help you to define how you’re going to use video to grow your business.

  • Do you want to tell potential customers about your brand?
  • Do you want to increase the sales of a specific service?
  • Do you want people to sign up to your mailing list?

These are just a few examples of the kind of goals you might have for your video marketing but each of those goals would require a different type of video.

For example, increasing bookings for a specific service might entail showing the service in action or filming a case study and client testimonials.

On the other hand, if you want to grow your mailing list, you might create a tutorial video explaining possible solutions to problems your clients often experience.

Once you define what you want a video to achieve, you can frame every decision you make about the video in terms of, “Does this serve the ultimate goal of the video?”

This will include the content, style, length, format, where you host and share the video, and much more.

The benefits of having a video production strategy

When supported by a strategy, marketing videos should:

Strike a chord with your target audience

You could have a great message to share but if it’s heard by the wrong audience, it just won’t have any impact. Imagine, for example, a large corporate law firm accidentally reaching sole traders and freelancers with limited budgets – it’s not that the service isn’t great but that the audience is wrong.

A properly targeted video will resonate with its audience, speaking straight to the heart of what they need right now and demonstrating how your company can help.

Stand out from the other videos seen by your target customers

With more than a billion hours of video being watched every day, video marketing is a double-edged sword. Yes, there’s a huge demand for video content but there’s also a lot of competition.

Videos that are supported by a marketing strategy tend to stand out from the noise. This is because they have a clear message for a clear audience.

Perform well to key influencers in your industry

Another benefit of a carefully crafted video that’s supported by a strategy is that it should resonate with influencers. These are people who are respected and followed by your target audience. If an influencer shares your video, it acts as a vote of confidence about the quality of your content.

Attract engagement on social platforms

By planning how to use your video on social media, you can increase the amount of engagement it receives and extends the reach, i.e. how many people see it. This means you can get in front of more of your target audience.

It’s important to understand which platforms your target audience use and look at different distribution and sharing options. For example, are you going to host the video on your website? Do you plan to set up a YouTube Channel or host your video on Vimeo?

Does the format need to suit Instagram? Are you planning to run video ads on Facebook?

Having a strategy will help you answer all of these questions and pinpoint the best use of your budget.

Again, the key thing to remember is the overall goal for your video, then use social media to serve that goal.

Convert well for your goals

Speaking of goals, if your video is underpinned by a clear strategy then you should see conversion rates that reflect all of your groundwork.

According to a survey by ReelSEO, 73% of B2B organisations that use video marketing report a positive return on investment (ROI).

The risks of not having a video production strategy

The alternative is to leap into making a marketing video without a plan. The risks of this approach include:

Failing to resonate with your target audience

Too many businesses go to great lengths to reach their target customers only to waste the opportunity with a weak marketing message. A strategy will help you determine exactly what you need to say to get the best results.

Lack of views and engagement 

If a video fails to resonate or it isn’t shared on the right platforms, you will find that it disappears into the ether with very little engagement. This is a waste of what could have been a fantastic opportunity to connect with your customers.

Lack of reach

Due to the way social media and search algorithms work, a lack of views and engagement will mean that your video has limited reach. This is because the various platforms use engagement as one of the signals for sharing high-quality content more widely.

Low conversions

Videos that don’t have a clear message or audience suffer from low conversion rates. This is because people don’t watch the video to the end or fail to take the action you want them to take after watching.

Spiralling costs due to an ever-changing or poorly defined brief

As I’ve mentioned above, a video production strategy will help you streamline your decision-making process. Every element of your video marketing can be steered by how it fits with your overarching goals.

The flipside of this is that you end up with an organically-evolving video that has no clear purpose. Constant tweaks and changes of direction can quickly eat into your budget.

Low ROI 

In the absence of a strategy, all of the above elements can combine to give you a low or even a negative ROI.

In fact, without a strategy in place, it will be hard to track your ROI at all as you will not know which metrics to monitor.

Summing up

Unfortunately, many businesses go wrong by failing to adopt a well-thought-out video content strategy. When the video doesn’t deliver the results that they wanted, they conclude that video marketing doesn’t work.

In reality, almost any business can enjoy huge benefits from video marketing but the strategy has to come first.

What do you want video to do for your business? Let me know in the comments section below or contact me directly. I’d love to hear from you.

In my next post, I run through how to create a video marketing strategy that is aligned with your audience, the platforms on which they spend their time and your business goals.

15 reasons why video marketing boosts business

The benefits of using video marketing with the stats to prove it.

It’s no secret that video marketing is one of the most effective ways to grow your business and engage with existing and prospective customers, however, knowing and doing are two different things.

Stats show that the biggest barriers to using video are:

  • A lack of time
  • Not knowing where to start
  • Worries about return on investment (ROI)
  • Concern about the potential cost
  • Not being able to convince decision-makers about the value of video

If you’re struggling to pinpoint what video you need for your business you are not alone. It can also prove challenging to know what you should do with the video to achieve the results you want.

In this week’s blog, we’ll be going over the benefits of using video for anyone who’s still sceptical (including the latest stats available).

Check out subsequent articles over the coming weeks to help you get clear on the three pillars of effective video marketing: video strategy, content production and strategy management.

1. Video attracts attention over other types of content

Creating a mix of content for your target clients should be at the centre of your inbound marketing strategy. Video is a must-have in this mix. It’s said that a picture is worth a 1,000 words but there’s no doubt that video is even more powerful.

As humans, we’re hardwired to notice movement and sound. A video can spark a connection and an emotional response in a matter of seconds! This is something that can rarely be achieved with other types of content.

It’s essential to produce videos that are tailored to their intended purpose and the different stages in the ‘buyer’s journey’. As your prospect first becomes aware of, considers and then decides to buy your product or service.

Get the message right and 85% of marketers rate video as an effective way to get attention online, especially on social media (see point 6 below).

2. Video strengthens your marketing message

Most people need visual aids to learn. According to Covideo, this is why viewers retain 95% of a video’s message compared to the 10% retained when people see the same message as text.

Viewers are far more likely to fully absorb the content of a video if it has a strong impact on their emotions.

3. Videos increase understanding of your products or services

Video is a fantastic tool to show rather than tell people about your products and/or services.

The latest stats show that 68% of people say they’d most prefer to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video.  According to Hubspot, the four most common video types are explainers, product demos, how-tos and testimonials. A staggering 96% of us have watched an explainer video to find out more about a product or service.

And evidence shows that once people have watched a product or service video, they’re 64-85% more likely to make a purchase. Video marketing isn’t just helpful for explaining more about products or services that your clients are already interested in – it’s also a proven way to make people aware of new options too.

4. Video marketing helps your business rank higher on Google (the world’s biggest search engine)

As the world’s number one search engine, Google’s priority is to give searchers links to high quality, relevant information that best matches the reason for their search.

To achieve this, Google’s search algorithms look at a wide number of ‘signals’ in order to decide which web pages to rank in search results and in which order.

Using videos on your website is a proven way to increase certain positive ranking signals.

For example, 37% of people will watch a video from beginning to end, meaning they spend more time on a web page than they would if they were just looking at text. This is known as dwell time.

In Google’s eyes, high average dwell time is a sign that your content is interesting and engaging, keeping visitors on your site for longer. Eighty per cent of marketers say that video has increased dwell time on their website.

If you also include a call to action in the videos on your website encouraging people to click through to a different page, this will lower the bounce rate, i.e. the percentage of visitors leaving from the page they landed on without going deeper into the site. A lower bounce rate is another positive ranking signal.

According to Martech Zone, a web page featuring a well-optimised video is 53 times more likely to appear on page one of Google.

5. Video gives you a presence on YouTube (the world’s second biggest search engine)

Over two billion logged-in users visit YouTube every month, which is almost one-third of the internet. Every day, users watch over one billion hours of video on the platform.

This makes YouTube the world’s second biggest search engine after Google, and one that solely returns video content in response to searches.

According to Animoto, YouTube replaced Facebook as the number one platform that affects consumer behaviour back in 2019. It is also the number one purchase-driver on social media. ‘How to’ searches are the most popular.

Think about the questions your clients most commonly ask you. Is there anything that would make the basis for a tutorial? For example, a law firm that specialises in conveyancing might consider creating a video about ‘How to find a solicitor when you’re a first-time buyer’.

By publishing videos aimed at your target audience, you attract views from people searching for your knowledge. The ability to display your video to someone who has already expressed a need for your services through their search term is the best marketing opportunity ever.

6. Video marketing increases your social media presence

Video marketing is also fantastic for boosting your presence on social media, not only because it gives you content to share but also because video is highly shareable for your followers.

Some 92% of mobile users say that they share videos with others, while 60% of consumers say that they bought from a brand after discovering it on social media.

Knowing this, which are the best platforms to share you video marketing?

Currently, the ones most likely to drive purchases to your business are YouTube, Facebook and Instagram.


If you’re planning a video marketing strategy for Facebook, you might want to think about how you could best use Facebook Live – one in five videos on the platform is now a live broadcast.

In fact, Facebook says to think about the three Vs – video, voice and VR – in 2020.


Instagram continues to grow as a video marketing platform with 77% of marketers having posted a video on IGTV.

One in four consumers now make a purchase after seeing a product or service in an Instagram story.


Although you may not automatically think about using video on Twitter, it’s actually the platform’s fastest-growing advertising tool.

There are over two billion video views on Twitter every day, which is a 67% growth over last year.

Significantly, tweets that include a video attract 10 times more engagement than video-free tweets. Promoted tweets with videos save more than 50% on cost-per-engagement.

For these reasons, you might want to add Twitter to your video marketing strategy.


If you have a corporate client base, you might be wondering how effective video marketing is on LinkedIn.

In the 12 months following its 2017 launch of LinkedIn native video (i.e. the ability to upload videos directly to the platform), video posts generated 300 million impressions on the platform.  These numbers are said to be increasing year on year, with 66% of marketers saying that they’re planning to use video content on the platform in 2020.

Using video marketing on LinkedIn is an ideal way to promote your services and brand to your network and their contacts.

It is known that LinkedIn videos are most often watched at people’s place of work. Videos designed to have no sound perform best on the platform and are 70% more likely to be watched all the way to the end.

Burnt-in captions, i.e. a transcript that’s overlaid as text on to the video, are an ideal solution. You don’t need to enable the sound to know what the video is about because the captions appear as text at the bottom of the screen.

7. Video marketing increases website traffic

Having increased your presence on Google, YouTube and across your chosen social media platforms, your video marketing campaigns should bring more traffic to your website. Eighty-four per cent of marketers say video has boosted their number of website visitors.

8. Video reaches new customers

Thanks to attracting more social shares, higher rankings and more website visitors, videos are an effective way to reach new customers and generate leads.

Again, it’s important to remember here that you need to tailor your videos for different stages of the customer journey.

Video that is designed to attract new customers could be your brand story, a chance to communicate what makes you different and encourage the audience to get to know you better.

Being clear on your video strategy before producing content will help you create videos that are relevant to your customers, from creating awareness about your brand right through to enlisting happy customers as brand ambassadors.

9. Video skyrockets conversion rates

Stats from Hubspot show that featuring a video on a product or service landing page can increase conversion rate. For example, the number of people who buy or follow-up after enquiring can increase by 80%.

10. Video boosts email click-throughs

According to Campaign Monitor, including video in an email marketing campaign can boost click rates by 65%. It can also increase click rate by as much as 96% if it’s your first email to someone on your mailing list. Considering that the average email click rate is 2.69%, that’s quite an increase in engagement!

One thing to bear in mind is that only 40% of email providers support embedded video playback. A better approach is to feature a thumbnail from your video in your email that takes people through to your website or a dedicated landing page when they click on it.

11. Video grows brand awareness

Ninety-three per cent of brands say that they’ve attracted a new customer through a video posted on social media.

There’s no doubting that video marketing is a great way to spread the word about your company. This allows you to:

  • talk directly to potential customers
  • give authentic insights into your business
  • showcase your products and services
  • introduce your team

…. and so much more.

All of these things will help to raise brand awareness and to turn potential clients into passionate brand ambassadors.

12. Video helps you to understand your audience

Once your video is online, tracking and optimising the impact is essential. Carrying out this activity will allow you access to very important data such as:

  • how many people are watching
  • how long they’re watching for
  • when they’re turning off

… and more.

This data can give you powerful insights into the customer journey and the various ‘touchpoints’ that take people from their first contact with your business through to becoming loyal customers.

13. Video gives people content that they want

By 2021, video is predicted to account for 80% of all consumer internet traffic. Collectively, we watch more than a billion hours of video per day, and six out of 10 people prefer watching online videos to TV.

Hubspot says that 54% of all people want marketers to put out more content.

The message is clear – videos are in big demand. Your customers are waiting for you to reach them by video.

14. Video marketing improves customer service and reduces demand for support

As we’ve seen above, people love ‘explainer’ and ‘how-to’ videos. Many companies find that using video to answer FAQs or give detailed insights into their products or services helps to reduce customer service enquiries and support calls.

As well as saving time and money for the business, video information like this makes life easier for potential and existing customers too.

Videos are an effective way to break down the barriers that might stop people buying from you.

For example, a client testimonial video can be an extremely powerful tool in converting sceptical leads. It’s good practice to include client testimonials at the bottom of the sales funnel. This helps prospective clients who are strongly considering your services but might still need a little more persuasion.

15. Video builds trust and credibility

All of the above points will help you to build trust and credibility.

You should use video marketing to show your clients that you understand and care about meeting their needs. Most importantly, it pays off to add a human touch to your marketing and help people feel like they know you before they even make an enquiry. You can highlight the benefits and value of choosing your business.


Once upon a time, video marketing was confined to TV ads or glossy corporate videos alone. Only the companies with the budgets to fund them could afford to invest in this medium. Fortunately, the landscape has shifted. These days, it’s possible to Facebook Live from your mobile phone.

This opens up a world of possibilities. As we’ve seen, video marketing has many benefits whether you’re a lone freelancer or the CEO of an international corporation.

The biggest problems that still remain for many businesses are:

  • determining what kind of video to make
  • knowing when and how to use video
  • understanding how to measure ROI

This is where the importance of developing an effective online video strategy really becomes clear.

The key is to identify your target audience, understand what they need, and how you can help. By understanding your audience, you’re going to know what videos to make. You’re going to know where those videos need to be distributed and you’re going to have some real insight into how to create a cohesive video marketing strategy across the full customer journey.

Developing a strategy for using video in your marketing mix can be confusing if you haven’t worked extensively with video before.

If you want to make video a profitable part of your business, it’s important that you have a video marketing strategy that extends beyond your normal digital marketing or content marketing strategy, and maximises the impact of the videos you get produced.

Don’t know exactly what you need?

Get in touch for some free advice and discover:

  • What videos will have the greatest impact on your bottom line
  • The best way to have your videos produced, based on your needs and budget
  • The video marketing channels that will deliver the greatest reach and engagement for your brand

Top 5 dos and don’ts for online video content in 2020

Get better results from your online videos with these top-tips.

Are you looking to do more with online video in 2020?  Have you done a bit before but aren’t sure of the effectiveness of your video content?  Do you have absolutely no idea where to start?!

Worry no more.  Here’s my top 5 do’s and don’ts for video marketing in 2020.


Do consider your audience with every piece of content that you create.

If you know your audience then you'll know what videos to make. You’ll know where those videos need to be distributed and you'll have some real insight into how to create a cohesive video content strategy across the full customer journey.

To really understand your target audience take some time to create a customer persona, a detailed profile of your ideal customer. It doesn’t make assumptions or categorise people into groups. Instead, it focusses on one person and outlines everything about them.

When you understand your audience, then you understand what they care about and therefore what content you can create that's going to cut through and actually mean something to them.

Don't position yourself as the hero in your online video content.

You need to know your audience and recognise that your audience is the hero of your content. You can't be positioning yourself as the hero and expect people to really care. When you're creating content that's designed to cut through to your target audience, you need to recognise this and position them as the hero of the story. You can then position yourselves as the hero’s guide, who has a plan to help them achieve a positive ending to their own story.


Do create content for your primary platform first.

What I mean by that is it's critical in 2020 to be producing your online video content according to the optimum specifications for that particular platform.  Such things as screen ratio or the size of the actual video frame, the way that you use captions or titles on the screen and even the duration of your video.  Not just technical specifications either, the way that the video is actually structured should be considered. All of those decisions need to be made in a way that is recognising the nuances of the individual platforms that you're going to be publishing on. The reality is is that YouTube is a different platform to Facebook.  LinkedIn video is different from Instagram video. Every social media platform is a video platform these days and we need to be creating content with production considerations aligned to what is your primary distribution platform.

How do you decide on the primary distribution platform for your video strategy? Well, it's a decision you need to make as a business owner, as a content creator. Ultimately what it comes down to is aligning your primary platform as the primary growth platform for you and your business. Make a decision on where to best focus your time, attention and energy in 2020 to grow your influence and reach. If that's YouTube, then you need to be creating your content primarily in a style that is relevant and native to the YouTube platform first. And then looking for ways to re-purpose that content into other platforms.

Don’t therefore, create and release the same content on every platform without changes.

It’s a common mistake, taking the video that you upload to YouTube and then posting it on Facebook, on LinkedIn. Just posting it everywhere and hoping that as many people as possible see it but you can't be releasing the same video unedited and unchanged on every single platform. What you need to be doing in 2020 is actually looking at ways to repurpose the video content that's created for your primary platform into different formats for different social media platforms.

So if you take YouTube as a primary platform, then you can quite easily take an extract, a shorter section perhaps, to use on your Instagram feed and that would need to be reformatted into a square aspect ratio as well as adding burnt-in captions. So you would embed that 16:9 widescreen video into a square frame. There's a number of different ways to do this and that’s perhaps for another article but by considering the native language and visual language of each individual platform, then you can start to really win with video marketing in 2020...


Do use captions on social platforms. 

This leads on from the previous tip and I’m talking specifically here about burnt-in captions.  Not SRT files, not your subtitle files, which you may use on YouTube or potentially on LinkedIn or Facebook as well.  Burnt-in captions are basically when the captions or the transcript of what's being said in the video is overlayed as a text onto the video.  These are “burnt-in” and can’t be removed by switching the CC button on youtube for example. On Facebook or Instagram, you don't need to enable the sound to know what the video is about because the captions appear as text on the bottom of the screen.

When it comes to using burnt-in captions on social, consider how to create those burnt in captions in a way that creates a visual style for your brand. You don't want your videos looking like everyone else's videos so by using burnt-in captions and stylized frames to embed a video in a platform-native format, you can really capitalise on the visual style that's going to make your content stand out in the newsfeed. 

Don't forget about the value that lies in the headline either.

When you are going to the effort of creating burnt in captions for your videos, you need to consider what's normally at the top of the frame in those social versions of your video, which is typically the headline. That headline text shouldn't just be the title of your video. It needs to be a benefit or an emotional hook. That text really becomes your opportunity to stop the thumb scrolling as your audience is browsing through a social media feed. You can make the most of that headline space when you're creating burnt in captions and a stylized square or vertical video frame. 

4 .

Do pay attention to the metrics that matter so that you can refine your video strategy moving forward.

What I mean by the metrics that matter is whatever publishing platform you’re distributing your online video content on, think about the data that you have access to and how that data can inform your future strategy.

One of the critical pieces of data when it comes to online video is how long people are actually watching your videos for? Take some time to understand the data. Look at those places where people are dropping off in your retention graphs, whether that be on YouTube or on Facebook and identify based on that information how you can better improve your video content and strategy moving forward. 

Don't however, let the metrics and the data get in the way of you actually taking action.

It’s much better to get the content out there and worrying about analysing the data later rather than getting bogged down or suffer “paralysis by analysis” by spending too much time obsessing over the data and not worrying about getting the content out there in the first place. Don't let the metrics and the data stop you from producing the content in the first place.


Do consider where online video fits within your full video marketing funnel.

Video is much more than just marketing and advertising. Online video content can be used all the way through from the awareness phase, to the consideration phase, where people are weighing up whether or not they’ll take further action with you or your brand, through to the sales process when you're looking to convert a sale and attract some income into your business all the way through to after the sale to the delight phase, which is your opportunity to improve the customer experience so that people not only buy from you but they love you and they rave about you and hopefully come back as repeat customers too. The more you can integrate video strategically across the full video funnel, the more effective you're going to be with each individual piece of content because one piece of content feeds into the next

Don’t then, simply see online video as a promotional only tool.

In fact, in many cases, depending on your strategy, you don't want to be selling or be seen to be selling within your online video strategy. You want to be leading with value, helping people, creating content that will improve your audience's life. Doing that consistently builds trust and builds the relationship so that people will buy from you anyway. In fact, they will seek out ways to buy from you. 


Okay, so that's my five tips for your online video content in 2020:

  1. Think of your audience first. 
  2. Consider using platform-native content and understanding your primary platform. 
  3. Understand when and how to use burnt-in captions on your videos. 
  4. Analyse and pay attention to the metrics so that your video strategy can be refined and you can move forward with the right sort of data behind you.
  5. Understand where video fits along the full marketing funnel and capitalise on video in different ways along that journey in order to move people to take the right sort of action with you and your brand. 

There is one final tip though, and this is maybe the most important tip for you if you’re looking to nail your video marketing in 2020. That is: don’t do video for video's sake. The ability to create video is literally in everyone’s hands with their smartphone.  It is easier to create video than ever before but the problem is the more video that's being created without a strategy, is just adding to the noise. So in 2020, you don't want to be adding to the noise, you’re going to nail your online video content strategy and you're going to create video that's effective at moving people to take the right sort of action. 

Good luck!

