How we measure whether your videos are delivering the desired results.

Producing a successful video is not just about making something that looks good but also about making something that actually delivers results.

But, how do we know if a video has achieved the results that you’re looking for? Well, we track the video metrics that matter!

The approach of combining art with science is at the heart of any good video marketing strategy.

But what are the video metrics that matter and what do they mean for your videos?

Five main types of data for video

There is a huge array of data available to assess how a video is performing and whether it’s achieving the goals you have set for it. Different platforms offer different video metrics that, when put together, can help you build a deeper understanding of your audience and how you could use video even more effectively in the future.

Broadly speaking though, all of the available metrics will fall into five different categories:

  1. Reach
  2. Engagement
  3. Conversion
  4. Retention
  5. Audience

Let’s look at these in more detail.

Reach: How many people have seen the video?

The data in this category helps us understand how many people may potentially have been exposed to your video content.

This doesn’t necessarily mean people who viewed the video in its entirety – or at all! – but instead, the number of people who may have seen it in a social media newsfeed, for example, thus registering as an ‘impression’.

Each platform varies in how it measures reach and impressions. On Facebook, a video just needs to appear on the screen – even without playing – to count as an impression.

Reach data can be a helpful measure of brand awareness and impact and it is the first metric that we look out for.  Without reach there will not be a lot of other data to measure but, it is only the start. To get a fuller picture you’ll have to dive deeper. What actions have your audience taken as a result of seeing your videos?

Engagement: How interested in your video was your audience?

For marketing of any kind to be effective, it needs to attract engagement.

In other words, people need to like what they’re seeing and interact with the brand in some way. We might measure this by looking at metrics such as:

  • Likes
  • Comments
  • Shares
  • Watching with the sound on
  • Watching the video to completion
  • Repeated viewings

Generally speaking, the higher the level of engagement in a video, the more effective the video is.

This is reflected in YouTube’s algorithms, which use ‘watch times’ rather than ‘views’ as an important positive ranking signal. After all, a view can be a matter of seconds whereas longer watch times suggest the viewer actively choosing to consume the video content.

Facebook, on the other hand, uses average completion rates – i.e. the per cent of each video your audience watches – to rank video content in newsfeeds. The more people who watch from start to finish, the better for your visibility.

According to Facebook, 48% of all video watch time can be attributed to social sharing, which is why stats relating to likes, comments and shares are relevant.

It’s worth keeping an eye on average view durations too. This measures the total watch times of a video divided by the number of watches. This can help us build up a good sense of the ideal video length for the audience – if people keep dropping off 30 seconds into a 45-second video, it could be an indication that the video needs editing or that future videos should be shorter.

Data covering repeated viewing is also helpful. Are there particular sections of a video that people keep re-watching? If so, this could be a sign that this portion of the video is of greater interest to your audience.

The above metrics are all positive signals that your video content is striking a chord with its intended audience. People want to watch, they’re interested in what you have to say.

If, on the other hand, you don’t see much in the way of engagement, this could be a sign that you’re reaching the wrong audience or that your message needs fine-tuning before it will resonate.

Negative feedback such as how many people hide a video or unlike your Facebook page after watching will give you a clearer view of what videos just aren’t a good fit for your customers.

Videos comments tend to provide softer, qualitative data about how people feel about your videos or brand. This can give you some powerful insights into what matters to your audience.

Conversion: How many people are doing what you want them to do after watching the video?

As we saw in my previous article where I detailed How to create a video marketing strategy it is essential to have clear goals for your videos.

Most often, a goal will include something you want people to do after watching your content. This might be visiting your website, signing up to your mailing list, making a booking, or buying a product or service.

For this reason, most businesses concentrate on conversion metrics.

This is the data that tells you about sales, new leads, lead quality, site traffic, click throughs and conversion rates.

Stats such as your clickthrough rates can give you great insights into how your call to action is working. Does it need repositioning within the video or would different wording work better?

Also, conversion stats can help you understand how video is best used on your landing pages. Again, does the position make a difference? Or the length? Are people more likely to make a purchase on a sales page with or without watching a video?

Retention: What happens to the customer after they buy from you?

If you’ve read How to use video content throughout the ‘customer journey then you’ll remember that the journey doesn’t end with a purchase.

Every business should focus on retaining as many customers as possible. Research shows that as few as 8% of your customers can account for 41% of your revenue – these are your repeat customers!

So, retention metrics are those that help you build up a picture of how many customers are returning, how long they stay a customer, how often they buy from you and how they rate your service. You might also want to look at referrals and customer complaints in this category too.

The videos you create for the retention or loyalty/advocacy stage of the customer journey will have a different message to your earlier-stage videos. Retention metrics will help you to craft and refine this message.

Audience: Who is watching your videos?

The final broad category of video metrics is relevant at all stages of the customer journey and will be core to your video marketing strategy.

These are the audience metrics that help you understand who is watching your videos.

As well as providing demographics such as gender, age, location, socio-economic background, location, device, etc. of your audience, these metrics can also help you answer different questions.

For example, are your videos resonating with the right people? Or are they reaching an unexpected audience? What type of videos seem to resonate most strongly with your audience?

Why the metrics matter

What gets measured gets improved and no online marketing campaign can be successful without measuring and analysing performance. One of the real strengths of digital video marketing, as opposed to traditional video advertising, is the amount of useful data available to help determine the effectiveness of the video in achieving your desired goal. But, it’s important to know which video metrics matter so that you can refine your video marketing strategy moving forward.

By taking time to reflect and track the results of each video you publish you can strengthen your video marketing strategy. In turn, this will boost your visibility, develop your voice, build your audience and improve conversions.

Do you need help in creating an effective video strategy for your business? At Reach Video we provide the strategy, content and ability to connect to your target audience, drive them to action and deliver tangible, profitable results.


Video marketing in 2024 is about much more than just creating content; it’s about creating the right content for the right audience and delivering it through the most effective channels. By understanding your audience, setting clear goals, crafting a compelling message, optimising your content, measuring success and choosing the right types of videos, you can create a video marketing strategy that not only reaches but engages and converts your target audience.

Ready to navigate the world of video with confidence? We can help you create a strategic video roadmap that not only guides your video content but also integrates seamlessly with your broader marketing and communication efforts.